Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I had the bright idea of sneaking in a new class before church tonight.   I ask Todd to do the "Pump It Up Class" tonight - we knew we would have to cut out a little early due to church but WoW!!!  It was hard!!!  I guess the fact that my arms already felt as if they might fall off didn't play into my decision.  :)  I'm glad we went - I enjoyed it.  The instructor was really easy to follow.   Todd and I at one point were both over our heads.  I have never been in a class like tonight's.  The class started with us getting a step and bar and free weights to start class.   We did different lunges, squats, presses and curls all with the weights.  It is amazing how heavy the weights get as the night goes on.  It was a total body workout and I can see where this will be a great class to continue.    Does that mean I am excited to go through another one --- NO ---- Does that mean I will go through another one ---- YES------!

The night didn't stop there.  We get in the car and only have 30 minutes to make it to church and Logan says, "I'm hungry" -- of course he is - he only had a sandwich before we went to the gym so that we wouldn't have to stop anywhere between gym and church.  Best laid plans...  We stopped at Sonic and got Logan and Todd a grill cheese, and I realized I was hungry and finally picked a grilled chicken sandwich.  I ordered plain and dry and when the sandwich came I took the bun off and ate my piece of chicken.  yumm yumm -- it actually was very good! 

Our church service tonight was awesome!  We started a series on prayer.  It really has me thinking about my own prayer life.  First of all, you should know that God wants to hear from you. He created us for his glory. Colossians 1:16 says that all things were created for God by God. He loves his creation and he wants to commune with us.  The Bible tells us that God loves us even more than we love our own children. It stands to reason that He would long for us to talk to him. We are to pray without ceasing according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17. You may think that is impossible. After all, we all have jobs, kids, spouses and just life in general to deal with. How on earth do you pray without ceasing? No, you don't have to be on your knees in prayer 24 hours a day. This simply means to always have a heart of prayer. Never put the fact out of your mind that God is right there for you to talk to anytime day or night. No matter what you are doing you can always have a heart that is in communion with God.  Another way that we are told to pray is in private. This doesn't mean that we are not supposed to ever pray in public. The reference Jesus made was to those who pray loudly and publicly only to be seen and heard. Praying to get attention is not praying with the right heart. In this same scripture reference, Jesus tells us not to use vain repetition or to just keep babbling. We are to say what we need to say and believe that God hears us. He already knows what we need, but he does want us to ask. However, we don't have to keep repeating ourselves to make sure we are heard. God's not deaf!   I am so looking forward to hearing the next few weeks on this series - it is going to be one of those series where you just know that God is telling you to look at your own life. 

It was a wonderful day ~~ and I praise my God for the journey before me and I can't wait to make Him proud of me and where I am going to end up.

tata for now Mr. Blog, until tomorrow...