Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm half way there!!!!

Well today is the 45th day of my blog.  I committed to writing it for 90 days and I guess I'm 1/2 way there today with the publish of this one.  WOW  I have such a long way to go in my journey; but it feels good that I have made 45 days of this blog.  As stated before - the blog is an accountability friend. 

Todd and I went to the gym this morning and I did cardio.  I also sat in the sauna for 20 minutes.  I'm still reading the Jillian Michael's book "Master your Metabolism" during my sauna visits.  I'm learning so much about what she has to say.  The theme today was pretty much -- if it doesn't have a mom, or wasn't grown - don't eat it.  For example...  Cheetos wasn't grown from the ground nor does it have a mom -- SO WHY ARE YOU EATING IT?  Jillian has a way of looking at things, that I like.  She is such an easy read.  I will work with Steph again on Tuesday.   Gym is closed tomorrow so will not be back in there until Monday.  Guess it will be Biggest Loser Wii tomorrow. 

Diet was good today - Peanut Butter toast before workout and lunch out with friends today.  Stayed within my healthy choices and had pineapple and a very high protein dinner.  Yummy!  :) 

I took pics today of the Smith family, who also happen to be some of our closest friends.  Danny is such a nut and always makes me laugh -- I really needed to laugh today.  It has been nice to get my camera out again -- I have so missed taking pictures -- there is just something about giving someone a lasting memory of their loved ones.   

Another really good friend of ours went with us.  James and Faith!  James is a single dad and you have never seen a dad look at his daughter the way that James looks at Faith.  They are a team of two and I absolutely love watching them interact with one another.  I was so glad they tagged along cause they were so fun to photograph. 

We were to take family pictures for our Christmas cards and I was still in my wonderful mood so, doing the entire hair/make-up was postponed.  However, I got a few really cute shots of my little guy. 

I have a few snapshots of Logan and James that are really cute --- Logan thinks James is a TALL kid.  :) 


I would like to end with the SMITH STRUT!!!! 

I thank Jesus for good friends and a day that was STRESS-free allowing me to do something I LOVE!!!

:)  Until tomorrow!!!!


LaVon Baker said...

Stacie, you are a really good photographer!! Have I told you that before?