Friday, November 6, 2009

Beautiful Pictures are developed from NEGATIVES!!!!

I am so thankful that I have FINALLY learned to allow God to be the author of my life.  I am able to accept that the "negatives" in my life are really NOT negative at all, IF (and that is a big IF) I allow God to prepare my final picture.  I think back to Todd's illness and can't imagine living through that again.  With that said, I can't imagine my world and my relationship with Jesus being as strong as it is now, without going through that illness.  

I think about the journey I'm on now.  The Journey to becoming a ROCK star.  It is NOT about what I will become or who I want to be.  It is about becoming a Jesus Star.  Someone who will stand tall and healthy and live for Him.  When I started, it was more about losing weight and becoming healthy.  Today being the 23rd day of my blog, I can look back and see that the MOST important part of my journey is becoming a servant to my Lord and others.   If I allow Him to control my life... Everything else will follow.  That doesn't mean that I just sit back and let God do it all.  He does require that I put in the work.  The work to serve others as well as the work to make me a better me. 

The gym is getting easier (still not fun) --  I went to the gym before work this morning and again this evening before dinner.  My primary focus was cardio with a few weight machines.  I plan to go in the morning before Logan's soccer game.  I have not done well with my food journal and intake this week.  It seems there has been something everyday to take the focus away from my diet.  Exercise has been at 90%; but diet, sad to say has been 60%.  It isn't that I have eaten things not on my food list - it is that I have not eaten.  No worries because tomorrow is a new day and I will never say... What if I don't succeed, because if I say it -- I've already lost!

Tomorrow is a new day and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us this weekend...
tata for now Mr. Blog... Until tomorrow!

Oh... and in case you forgot -- I am a GOGO