Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Before I tell you about my weigh in and workout today I have a very important announcement.....  

By this time tomorrow I will more than likely be a GOGO!  I am walking on air with excitement; however, I would like to ask all of you to pray as, Aydin is still a little early.  Risa, my precious daughter-in-law, has developed preeclampsia.  She had her weekly doctors appointment today, and they sent her right to the hospital and admitted her.  They will be inducing her in the morning at 7:30; so needless to say -- Palestine, here we come!  I can not begin to go into how I feel at this moment.  Aydin Grace will be introduced to the world tomorrow!

Onto the weigh in...  I lost another 5 pounds -- that means 15 pounds since Day one!  How awesome is that!  Workout tonight was insane - - we did heavier weights than normal.  My arms are already feeling the difference.  However, I assure you that I will be able to hold that precious little baby girl tomorrow.   

That does it for me tonight - I hope tomorrow to share my little Aydin Grace with you!  So for now, this (almost) GoGo is going to say g'night!