Sunday, November 1, 2009

My life is NOT a sprint...

What a blessing this weekend has been.  As I sat here tonight and thought about how to put into words what I'm feeling - I received an email from one of my dearest and oldest friends (Thanks Misti)  We were talking about how hard it is to get into shape and start a exercise program and Misti said -- it isn't a sprint, it is a Marathon.  My first thought was, hey, that is true in life.  We want to sprint to the finish of whatever project or storm we are going through.  I ask you, where is the fun in that?  I know from personal experience it is during the marathon that I grow and learn the most.  So slow down and learn to enjoy the run.  Life is good, so enjoy it - don't' rush through to the finish line. 

I'm really excited to get back into the gym tomorrow.  (pray -- it has been 4 days, so I hope I can keep up with her.)  I still have a stuffy head and cough; however, I am not waiting another day to get back in the gym.

I am going to close the blog with saying just one thing...  Don't take your walk with Christ for granted!!!! 

I would like to invite you ladies between the age of 18 and 40 to come and be a part of an amazing study we are starting on the 14th of November; So please excuse this plug...  If you have any questions -- let me know!

(Commercial break)


Angela said...

I love reading on your journey , it helps me out too. As you know david and I have started up our P90X again. And it just helps and is a blessing to me ;-)