Monday, November 2, 2009

Power, Love, and Self-Discipline....

Thank you Lord for showing me that through your grace, I have all 3, power, love and self-discipline!  Being back in the gym tonight felt good; however, I am going to pay for it in the morning...   Even with that -- I will survive!  I am in such a good place tonight I'm not real sure what to write about.  It seems that things are just falling in place.  The diet seems to be getting easier...  Tonight was grilled pineapple chicken, yummy!!!!  I am finding that the harder I work out, the less food I want.  Today at lunch I found it hard to finish my 6 oz. of turkey breast.  In the past, I would have said, then don't eat -- the less you eat the more you lose, right?   WRONG!!!  I am learning that with solid work out you have to have a solid diet to fuel your metabolism

 Guess what tomorrow is?

This is how I once felt about weighing.
NOT anymore!  
I am excited to see if there has been progress.

As stated earlier, I am in a really good place! I feel close to my savior, Jesus Christ.  I am on fire about what  the Lord is doing in my life.  Just a few blessings I have going on in my life right now:  
  1. I can't wait to start a new study over God's word with my girlfriends.  It will be so amazing to share my passion for Christ with some of my friends from high school, as well as my precious friends from today.  Nov. 14th is the day -- be there or be square!!!  :)
  2. The exercise is not easy and I know it never will be; but I'm ready, willing and able to do it.    
  3. The diet is getting so much easier -- and the water -- I actually crave it now -- how crazy is that.  God can do anything!!!!!!!
  4. Misti and Kathy, I loved you girls back in the day, and guess what -- I still love you!  Thank you for the girl time and just for being who you are!  I can not wait to see what God has in store for us as we continue to learn more about each other now as adults.  
  5. Our first grand baby will be here any day.  I can not wait to meet Aydin Grace face to face.  Yes, I know I'm tooooo young to be a grandmother; but I can not wait!

There are so many more blessings in my life and I have so many amazing friends that are behind my journey and support me on each given day, you know who you are and I love you all dearly.  

I would like to leave tonight with one thought for you to ponder...

We make a living by what we get...
We make a life by what we give...


Tonya Smith said...

AMEN!!!!! This is probably one of my favories! I almost started my blog out (last night) with the SAME scripture & I have even contemplated using it tonight... That has been my scripture for the last week & 1/2! & isnt is a good one! Love ya girl & WTG on the scale!!!! You deserve it!