Sunday, November 8, 2009

I am a JESUS freak... and I'm OK with that!

It is official... I am a JESUS freak... and I'm OK with that! 

Today's services were both awesome.  This morning the messages was from several scriptures as we traveled through the bible and dug deep into God's word about Heaven and Hell.  Who will be in Heaven and who will be in Hell.  I know that this is not the most popular topic in the world today, but it should be.  I may lose friends on earth because of my faith, and that is really hurtful; however, I WILL lose friends in eternity because of their faith.  If I never tell my friends about Jesus and they go to hell, isn't that my fault.  I can not make up ones mind -- but I can be an example and tell them of His love.  It was a sermon that I really needed to hear.  Tonight's message pierced my heart.  It wasn't about how the lost can be saved; it wasn't about the sin in the world.  It was about the sin within the Body of Christ.  It was about the church and how it is failing to be what she is suppose to be.  Do we really love one another in the same manner as we are taught.  Are we able to go to each other and reconcile our differences as the bible instructs us to?  There were many points that made me take a long look at my walk.  While I'm working hard to become who God plans for me to be, I still struggle with certain sins in my life.  I am so blessed to be a member of a church were the pastor doesn't walk on egg shells or ONLY preach the "positive" side of the word.  Thank you Jesus for the man of God that stands before us each week and doesn't hold back.

I can really feel God laying on my heart a ministry that I can not wait to jump into.  I have felt it for some time and I know that God has put me through certain storms so that I can reach out to other ladies.  I know that there will be many more storms in my life.  Those are the times when God is pulling me closer.  This weekend will be the start of something amazing.  The bible study I'm starting will begin on Saturday.  So far we have about 15 girls who have committed to attending.  How awesome is that!  I can not wait to see what God has in store for us.  Being able to come together in the name of Jesus and study the radical love that God has for us is almost to much to handle.  I feel as I might burst from the excitement of it finally coming together. 

What a journey God has put before me!  From learning to "shine" for Him (I stole this phrase from a dear friend) to becoming a picture of health - I can not wait to see it unfold.  My diet and exercise program is coming along GREAT.  Really excited to weigh on Tuesday.  A little nervous about my eating habits last week at the hospital -- but none the less -- it will be what it will be.    It is an amazing feeling to finally put into perspective, what is important in life.  I had lost that for a while. 

I am blessed beyond words by the people in my life.  My friends, God is so good, please do not shut Him out of your life.  You can not imagine the blessings He has for you. 

I will be back in the gym tomorrow night!  I'm ready!  I feel myself getting stronger week by week and know that I will be a better person at the end of this journey.  Thank you for following my blog and praying for me.  This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done - - but it isn't tooooo hard.  It is nothing in comparison to what Jesus did on the cross for me!

Mr. Blog, that is it for tonight -- until tomorrow!


LaVon Baker said...

Stacie, you just bless my socks off! Don preached on almost this same subject this morning. About the need for all Christians to be Jesus to everyone around us; how the world around us is broken and and hurting and needs Jesus... like the woman at the well.
I am rejoicing with you at how the Lord is blessing you and what a blessing you are to those around you. Also, rejoicing that you have such a preacher who preaches what God tells him to, unapologetically(sp). Praying for you on your journey!! ((((HUGS))))