Monday, December 7, 2009

Typical Monday . . .

Well today was what some would call a typical Monday.  We had 2 girls out in the office, which means for Heather and I, it was very busy.  On top of that, it was a very high traffic day.  It seems that people are getting very desperate!  It is so sad when people come in and we do not have anything for them.  This economy has to pick up, so that our job market will turn around.    Please remember those that are unemployed in your prayers.  It is hard enough being unemployed; add the Christmas season, it makes it even worst! 

I was late getting to the gym today due to a very fun conference call, (yea right, are there ever fun conf. calls?)  I finally got there and decided to do a combination of cardio and weight lifting.  I am amazed at how much I really am enjoying the weight lifting.  I never thought I would say that!  Stephanie keeps telling me HEAVY, so tonight I went HEAVY and now can feel it --- no pain no gain, right?  After the weight lifting I did more cardio and then sat in the sauna for 30 minutes.  Guess I will sweat the weight off if the workout doesn't work.  I will meet Stephanie tomorrow evening -- I can't wait to see what she has planned for us.  I do have a funny to tell you with the mention of Stephanie...  My friends have decided that Stephanie is my new best friend, one even mentioned that she was worried about my obsession! I'm sure she was joking, well maybe????  I think it is so funny because after that was brought to my attention I realized I do talk A LOT about what I have learned or what we did or this or that!  So funny - dear friends - this is to you, I will work on clearing my head from "gym talk" while we are together!  Notice I said TRY!!!

Tomorrow is weigh in -- I sure hope increasing my calories will HELP - how crazy does that sound?  I ate more so I'm sure to lose.  Just another thing I'm learning from Stephanie!  :)   I did decide that life would be much easier if I was just a little taller! 

**on another note - my friend, Tonya, that I ask you to pray for about her pregnancy is having pains and I'm sure everything is OK, but please say a little prayer for her when you think about it.**

Until tomorrow!