Friday, December 4, 2009

JESUS is the REASON for all seasons!

What a wonderful day!  Work was uneventful today, but tonight was  GREAT!  My mother and I took Logan to Santa Land in Lindale tonight. 


It was so much fun - just the 3 of us.   Logan is such an entertainer!  Santa Land was nice but I believe the Land of Lights in Athens is just as good; however, I was very impressed with one section of the drive through light park.  They had a new part they just added, The Holy Land - WOW!!!

The true meaning was displayed!!!!  There was so much more but these were my favorite.  The gift shop at the end was very nice and the Santa was amazing!!!  We have always taught Logan that Jesus is the reason for this season and all other seasons.  He will be the first to tell you that Christmas is NOT about Santa; but about Jesus.  However, the traditions of Santa is still very fun and I love seeing his face on Christmas morning.  With that said, each year we have tried to get a good picture of him with Santa.  He has never wanted to participate in this picture and usually gets very shy and will not even look at the camera or Santa.  This year was so different!  The Santa at Santa Land was so personable and Logan just warmed up to him.

After leaving Santa Land we stopped in Canton to eat at Ochoa's.  I hated eating that late but we were starving!!!!  Good choices were made (except for eating after 8) -- Logan did not hesitate to tell me that his Nawna was his favorite woman!  I love that my mother and Logan have that special bond.  He is and will always be her little man! 

Tomorrow will be an early day as I have to be at the gym @ 9.  (grrrrrrrrwlllllllllllllll)  I did not work out today so it will be a longer/harder session tomorrow morning! 

Only one other thing to say... Please do not get so caught up in the "commercial" side of Christmas because -- JESUS IS THE ONLY REASON!!!! 

Until tomorrow...