Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well let me start by saying... 
this will be an upfront and very honest blog post.  

I will also add that if I had a remote control to use on my life, this would not be a day in which I would ever use the pause, play or rewind button --- ONLY FAST FORWARD!    With that said, I would also have to add a button to my remote - - the HELP BUTTON!!!!

4 years ago my life took a very drastic turn - everything that I knew was changed and turned upside down.  I really believe I have come to terms with it, until days like today.  I feel as if I'm all in it all by myself sometimes.   I go to a very bitter place and have those moments of resentment.  Long story short, it got the best of me and that is no one's fault -- BUT MINE.  I let my circumstances rule me today!   So much for dancing in the rain.  There was no dancing, only self-pity.  Needless to say, I did NOT go to the gym today!  I did not make it a priority.  

I don't really have anything else to say tonight except, I am ready for bed and can't wait to try again tomorrow!!! I praise my Lord and Savior that my hope does not rest in this world. 

When your life isn't a bed or roses,
remember who wore your thorns!!! 


LaVon Baker said...

Bless your heart. I call days like this "attack days" and just know that God will bring you through them, as I know you know that already.
The picture of the crown of thorns reminded me of a tree I have seen out here in AZ called the Crown of Thorns tree and the thorns really are that long and ugly.