Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friendship and Fellowship

The day started with a poor attitude about going to the gym;  My back is still hurting so I made an excuse to NOT go.  Poor choice on my part! 

Finally around 11, I decided it was time to start getting ready for my bible study, Girl Power.  As I got out of the shower, I heard my phone alert me of a text message.  I read it and it was someone telling me they would not be able to attend today.   When I finished putting my make-up on, I received another message of someone else who would not be able to attend.  The messages didn't stop there -- Girl Power started at 2 and from 11 to 1:20 I received 8 messages of ladies that would not be able to attend.  As I was setting up the TV and computer for our class, I remember thinking --- I wonder if anyone will even show up.   I started telling myself, we should have cancelled the month of December.  I wasn't mad or angry that the others could not attend, I understand that there are just going to be times when people can't come.  Everyone that was unable to attend had a valid reason.  What I did do, was limit God.  I questioned my sevice to him and what He is going to do through this group.   I can not wait to see what God has in store for this group of young ladies.  It was so awesome to see 13 ladies all from different backgrounds, families, and walks of life sharing in the word of God through fellowship, friendship and discussion.  If everyone from December comes and everyone that has said they will be there in January comes -- we will have OVER 20 girls next month --- start praying now!

After Girl Power, we decided to stay at church since the Young Adult Christmas Party would be starting soon.   What a fun night.  So much food!!!!!!  (healthy choices were made) It is so awesome to be able to fellowship with our church family.  After everyone finished eating we played a family bible trivia / verse search game.  We had never played it before and it was really fun.  It was a very fast paced trivia game played on the TV - 24 seconds to answer questions - if you didn't know the answer you could look it up in the bible.  I am so excited to report that Todd and I won!!!  What did we win?  Well I'm so glad you ask.  We won my favorite home made Stevie Apple Pie.  I am telling you the BEST apple pie EVER.  It has been the HARDEST thing to turn down since my new lifestyle change.  I am happy to report that we did the right thing and did NOT bring it home with us.  I gave it to our friend James who has the same love as I do for the pie. 

It was a great day with our friends and family.  I can't wait for church tomorrow; however, I'm afraid it will be another very busy day.  Logan's Children's Church party is tomorrow and then Todd has Play practice at 3 for our Christmas Drama.  Christmas is such a magical time of year, so don't let the busyness take that away.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in the schedule of this and that during this season -- always keep JESUS at the center. 

Until tomorrow...


LaVon Baker said...

So proud of you for giving the apple pie away. WTG!!!

Anonymous said...

Brim over I agree but I dream the post should have more info then it has.