Saturday, December 5, 2009

GREAT Saturday

What a great Saturday!  My day started at the gym as every Saturday has since mid October.  I'm so excited that the gym was packed this morning.  Yay Complete Fitness.  I'm telling you, if you live in this area and are looking for a great place to workout - this is the place for you...  Did a little cardio and focused on arms and shoulders with weights. 

After the gym we came home and got ready to head to Mesquite.
Our first stop was...

I LOVE this place.   Although, did not think the entire "healthy" eating through because the moment we walked in the door I wanted crab.  That would not have been bad if I could eat it without the dripping butter!!!  NO Stephanie - I did not eat the dripping butter nor crab.  I had a delicious salad with grilled shrimp.  Todd told the waitress it was Logan's birthday weekend (his bday is on the 9th) and my shy little guy was so embarrassed and could have given his daddy a knuckle-sandwich.  They were so sweet to him and he was not moving nor looking at them as they sang to him. 

I'm almost finished!!!!!! (I ran out of money hahahahaha)

My bible study, Girl Power, is next Saturday and our books were still on back order - so I called and cancelled the order and thank you Jesus, they put the money back in my account.   I needed a reason to head to my favorite store anyway... :)   I am happy to report that I purchased all of the books we needed.  We had 9 girls at our last meeting and I've had several say they were coming this time.  I purchased 15 books; however, I know God will show off and we will need more!!!!  If any of you want to check out the book we are using ---- it is Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

I was also able to get a few Christmas presents there.  Of course I picked up a few things at Mardel's as well.  The new Casting Crowns CD is awesome.   Todd finally said do not put another item in this buggy...  He was such a poor sport.  :)  We made a few other stops and finished Logan!  I'm happy to report that I'm just about finished.  I have a few more odd and ends to finish up, but for the most part -- I am done! 

When we came home we started the first fire of the season -- I love nights at home with the fire going.   

After getting everything put away (as we also stopped and bought groceries on our way home), Logan and I started working on his "goody" bags for his birthday party tomorrow afternoon.  My Lolo will be 6 on Wednesday and we are having a bowling party.  He is so excited!  I promise I will not get mother of the year for this party - I didn't even plan or invite anyone until last Saturday - it just got here quicker than I was anticipating.  He has invited several of his friends from church, his soccer team and old daycare.  Also a few very special grown-ups in his life.      I am sure to post pictures tomorrow night. 

**I would like to end tonight with asking for prayer for a very dear friend of mine.  She is in the beginning stage of a divorce.  This is not something she was wanting nor expecting.  Just remember her in your prayers.  I just hope that through this storm she will remember to soar like an eagle and lean on the ONLY one that can help her, Jesus. 

That is all I have for tonight - diet and workout today was good.  I can't wait to weigh in on Tuesday.  I can feel myself getting stronger and feel my voice coming back.  Jesus is the true ROCK and I can't wait to be a STAR for him.

Until tomorrow...


LaVon Baker said...

Stacie, you are ALREADY a Star for Jesus!