Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family Christmas (one down 2 to go)


Family is such an important part of our Christmas celebration.  Today was our Martin Family Christmas!  My cousin, Billy, hosted the family event this year.  I was so excited as everyone of my dad's brothers were there along with his sister.  I know that it means a great deal to my grandmother to have all of her children there.   Not all of my cousins were able to be there today, but that happens as we get older and have our own families and responsibilities.   The day was beautiful where we were allowed to be outside as well as inside throughout the day.  I have selected just a few of my favorite pictures from the day.   There are so many pictures I could post but have chosen the below to share with you today.  Before I get to the pictures -- I will admit to ----- eating mac n cheese today as well as a piece of the most amazing pineapple pecan pie EVER.  I'm sure I will pay for it tomorrow in the gym!!!  Now on to the picture blog...

Ellee and Neeley playing dress up - These are 2 of the cutest girls!!!!  Neeley is a good girl and was so sweet with Ellee!  Neeley is very active in gymnastics and cheerleading and My Uncle Shames better watch out cause she is also a very beautiful girl!!!!  :)    Ellee is the SASSIEST little girl I've ever met and I love watching her interact with others!

This is Carter -- and anyone that knows me, knows this kid stole my heart from the first time I saw him.  Not only is he adorable -- he has the BIGGEST personality of any kid or adult I have ever met!!!  He is the spitting image of his daddy and mamma -- so watch out world!!!!  Logan thinks Carter is the #1 cousin EVER -- Such a MESS!

This is my special grandmother, Bessie!  I had to pick this picture because she is making her famous Mac n Cheese!  I assure you - there wasn't anyone to pass it up!!!!  Not only is she a good cook; she is the core of our family and I adore her!

This is Jonah Brooks and my beautiful mom.  Jonah is the son of my cousin, Reba who will always be very special to me...  Jonah was perfect the day he was born and as you can see --- he is STILL perfect!  It didn't matter what was going on around him today -- he was happy and laughing!  Such a sweet boy!

Nothing to say except this is the little boy that holds the key to my heart!

I will close with this picture...  This is living, breathing proof of the healing power of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Carson was born a very sick little guy and the specialist said he would be delayed, and sick all of his life - -  The ONLY trace of his scary entry into this world are his hearing aides!  He is healthy, beautiful and SPUNKY!!!  (OH, and he is Carter's little brother)  CARSON IS OUR MICRACLE BABY BOY!!!

Jesus, thank you for the gift of Carson
and for the family you gave me!

Until tomorrow!!!