Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday - Saturday

I'm blogging this morning instead of tonight; because I'm afraid by the time I get home tonight --- it will be tomorrow..... Today should be a great day - First "out to eat" trip since my new food plan has been put into place. We have a soccer game this morning and then Lolo is going to Nawna's to spend the night. Todd and I have are first "official" outing with our class since we started teaching. --I am really hoping that the college and career class will keep us YOUNG-- I pray that God will continue to bless our class in growth by attendance and in maturity of all of us in His word.

I can't wait to start writing about the workouts -- I'm excited and scared all at the same time. I have not really "worked out" in over 10 years... Tuesday will be the start of my exercise plan. I think my body is already going through the ouchies of knowing it is coming!!!!!

I have received such kind comments and emails from many of you. Thank you, your words mean so much to me ---- motivation to my heart. I have also had amazing advice...  believe in yourself, ask God each morning to go before me, and command in the name of Jesus to have my body function properly, to burn fat and build muscle. Another comment was to ask Him to take cravings away. What great sound advice….

It is such a great feeling to know that I have people praying for me – some might think my blog is “silly” or “unreal” --- For me, it is very real and something that I hope will be a reminder as I continue this journey.   I know, I have to do it for myself, but I do not have to do it alone.  I have first God holding my hand, and then many friends praying along the way --- WoW God is so Good ---- All the time!

Well must start this wonderful day now, so Mr. Blog for now ---- ta ta till later!!!!