Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well here we are...  today is the 14th day of my blog.  14 days out of the 90, I committed to.  Some nights, I think, "what have I done?  Other nights, I think, "I can't wait to write my blog."  Tonight is one of those I can't wait nights. 

I originally said I would work on 3 areas of my life.  So tonight we will take a closer look at each.  I guess I can say I am doing a PITSTOP on my journey.

My Walk with the Lord - I don't' think you ever get to a point, where you wake up and feel, I'm close enough, my relationship with Jesus is perfect!  I want to always have the hunger for Christ.  I pray that God will continue to use me in ways I could never imagine.  I have many things on my heart of what/how I can serve God.  Some of which will take me out of my comfort zone and some might be as simple as telling the girl at Wal-Mart that Jesus loves her.  I pray that God will continue to lay on my heart people and his work. 

Diet - I hate veggies!!!!!  I am doing really well on portion and my protein.  I only have certain types I can eat right now (all our GREEN).  How can green be my favorite color and the worst food color.   I'm just saying...  I purchased the George Foreman Grill and I will admit -- I am thinking, how did I cook without this.  I mean, I cooked pork chops in 7 minutes tonight.  The food scale has also become a VERY important part of my preparation.  I have learned that making the right decisions on my diet takes more time and work.  I think I finally have a system down and if you looked in my refrigerator you would think,  wow look at all the little baggies of food.  :)  It is so much easier to weigh and bag when I put groceries up.  It saves time when fixing lunches and dinner for the week.

Exercise- This has been such an eye opening experience. I thought, I will walk on treadmill, maybe ride the bike, a few machines and call it a session.  WoW, was I wrong.  Each session has been different.  Each session has left different pains.  My favorite saying through all of this would be, "Pain is WEAKNESS leaving my body."  During each session I have NOT enjoyed it.  After each session I feel an excitement that I completed it.  

A side note, of the 3 topics above, I know that the Diet and Exercise will never continue without my personal relationship with Jesus.  He is first in my life and there isn't a person alive that can comfort me through my storms and life like he can.  However,  I will never be able to tell you how much your words of encouragement have meant to me.  It is so funny how a silly little blog can hold me accountable and bring out encouragement the way this has done for me so far.  Much love to you all!

So for tonight, Mr. Blog, goodnight.  Until tomorrow... 


Stacie Gail said...

Testing my comments...

Todd Bostic said...

This is awesome!!!!!! I look forward to seeing what you have written everyday.