Friday, October 16, 2009

Breakfast? Really????

Time and time again.... you hear -- YOU MUST EAT BREAKFAST!!!!

I am trying to get this message in my HEAD!!!

Two Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Breakfast:
Reason #1: Your brain needs fuel to function at its peak.
Reason #2: Your metabolism will go into ‘famine’ mode.

**Eating breakfast communicates with your body the fact that you are healthy, well fed and not in need of extra fat storage.**

Okay --- this is so hard to me--- WoW it even means I might have to wake up a little early -- WHAT?  I guess my days of sharing a pop-tart with Logan running out the door is over!  Logan also eats at school every morning -- did you know his school has the best breakfast ever!!!!   Do you think Todd will fix me breakfast every morning.. hmmmmmm???  I will work on that one.  My goal next week is to test this theory -- I am going to do my BEST to eat something, even if it is just toast!  I will have to get with Sally for quick ideas that can be eaten on the GO. 

I'm gaining so much anticipation as I think about starting my training sessions with Stephanie next week -- I look at her and think -- she didn't get that way by taking it easy during a workout --- OH Lord, what have I done.... I've signed myself up for PAIN.  :)  I know it will be worth it but getting started into the routine of PAIN, isn't something I find fun! 

Okay Mr. Blog -- that is all I have for tonight!!!  Until tomorrow...