Friday, October 30, 2009


I will say... what a week.  As mentioned yesterday, I thought I was getting sick.  Well just turn the word thought into the word KNOW.  I KNOW I am sick!  I came in after work today and slept until time to go to outreach practice for our fall festival.  I thought, easy easy - we are ready and all I have to do is get sound/ music ready and the rest will be a piece of cake.   WRONG -- not only am I sick, so is our Outreach Director.  SWINE FLU!  I feel so bad, she wants to be with us so badly.  There is no way she will be able to come tomorrow night, she is the narrator.  From here, all we can do is pray and rely on God to (as he always does) bring us through so that we can reach people from His word and song.  What an amazing way to reach souls.  It is so funny how puppets and music can touch souls from 2 years of age all the way to 92 years. 

Ready or Not... the time is here - I will be saying a special prayer tonight, as in her absence, I will be narrating the story of Noah's Ark and scripture between the songs.  I am a little nervous as I have really big shoes to fill.   There might be a person on the brink of making a decision to walk with our Lord.  It might be that one scripture I read or the words that come after announcing a song, that touch him/her.  God, please grant me the word you would have me to bring forward so that I can reach people for You.  Allow me to be a vessel for Your work.

We have worked hard to get our music, timing, stories and show worthy to be presented in Jesus name! I am very excited to see it all come together tomorrow.  God always takes control.  I know tomorrow will be no different.  THANK YOU JESUS! 


Onto my journey to be a ROCK star.  I did not work out tonight due to not feeling well, I have no plans to be in a gym tomorrow either, as I really can't take the chance of getting worst before tomorrow night - I do pray that with God's love and care, I will be back in the gym by Monday.  I have stayed with the diet and can't wait to weigh on Tuesday. 

Tonight, I want to end with a prayer...  Lord Jesus, I am not worthy to bring forward your word.  Thank you for choosing me to be your servant.  I am excited and ready to be a vessel for Your work.  Be with all of the outreach team tomorrow so that we can bring a show that spreads the name of Jesus. When we start tomorrow, take my words away and put Your words in my mouth.  Dear Lord, be with Lisa and help to heal her so that she can come back to us and be strong.  I love you Lord and I humble myself before YOU and I thank you for the many amazing things you are doing in my life right now.  Jesus name,  AMEN.


Tonya said...

When you ask to be used.... God will use you! :-) Its all good tho.... I know you will do a WONDEFUL job & you will be very BLESSED!!!! God is good ALL the time! See ya @ the Festival. :-)