Monday, October 26, 2009

My yesterday does NOT determine my tomorrow!

sorry today is a long post...

First let me say that I'm personally drained from this day.  It has been one of the best drained feeling I think I have ever had.  What a day.  It started at 7:00 as we pulled into the parking garage at the Ft. Worth Convention Center.  I don't' think any of us were prepared for what was in store for us today.    Summary at the bottom of the blog for those interested.

Although this was NOT a good "food" and "exercise" day for my journey - it was an ALL STAR day for the most important part of my journey, my relationship with Jesus.  I did not eat lunch (major no no) and did not work out!!!! However, I do not regret one thing about today. The integrity and values that were shared (not expected) through many of the speakers today had a common value.  THE ONLY WAY TO BE A SUCCESS (TRUE SUCCESS) IS TO CALL UPON THE NAME OF JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR!  This was presented to 50,000 business men and women, who were there for a business motivation.  The seeds that were planted today were firmly planted.  With that said, being a part of something that big was outstanding.  So what if I didn't eat lunch or work out. 

I do have an appointment with Stephanie tomorrow before Logan's soccer game.  I can't wait.  I'm a little anxious as tomorrow is also weigh - in day with her.  Tuesday's at the gym!!!! This will ONLY be my 3rd session and I can't imagine what we are going to do as she said we would never do the same thing twice in a row.  Today was the first day my arms have not hurt.  :)  I bet they will tomorrow.  I'm a little nervous because my lower back is still very sore, and I don't know if I have pulled something or this is just normal wear and tear of muscles who have not seen the light of day in MANY MANY years.   I'll keep you posted!

 Upon arriving back in good 'ole GBC, I had dinner plans with 2 friends from high school.  It is so amazing to know that the bonds that were started over 24 years ago are still there.  I feel so blessed tonight by this "new" "old" friendship.  You don't realize how much you miss those people until God puts them back in your life.  

Mr. Blog, it has been such a LONG day!  I will say good night for now.  Until tomorrow...   (Get Motivated highlights below)

I could blog about this day for at least a month and not be able to touch on all that was discussed.  I would like to share a few of the highlights and how each touched me personally.

  • Dr. Robert Schuller opened our day and was so adorable, funny and serious (all wrapped in one package).  The main theme of his time with us was to cut the word IMPOSSIBLE out of our life.  Long story cut short ... He told the story of how his daughter had to have one of her legs removed.  She wanted to play softball as she always had and he was worried about her taking that step.  Her words to him.   "When you hit home runs, you don't have to run" - WOW! 

  • Rick Belluzzo, Legendary President of Microsoft, took the stage and demanded our attention.  He was not on the list of speakers I was excited to hear.  I was so wrong.  His message was right on target with what I needed to hear.  Theme:  HAVE THE COURAGE TO CHANGE!  The main thing I will take away from his talk with us is... "A good leader has to be hard headed and soft hearted!!

  • Collin Power is a true gentleman.  He has the most sincere demeanor.  He talked about how his grandson, who calls him Poppy, never emails him anymore.  When he questioned his grandson, he learned that email is no longer cool.  It is all about texting and Tweeting.  Oh! and don't forget Facebook!  It was awesome to hear from such a LEADER.  I have several take-aways from his time.

    • To be a Leader... you must have a purpose.

    • Put your arm around someone.

    • Touch lives... not just pocket-books.

    • Must be able to punish bad behavior/bad followers.

    • You know you are a good leader, when they will follow you, even if just for curiosity.

    • MOST IMPORTANT - you must gain TRUST!

  • Tamara Lowe, who?  I had never heard this name before receiving my ticket for this conference.  Together, with her husband she started "Get Motivated" over 25 years ago.  She was by far the most inspiring to me.  Just a few nuggets I gained from her.

    • Your yesterday does NOT determine your tomorrow.

    • Get PAST your PAST

    • There are ONLY 2 opinions that matter -- God's and yours!

    • I could go on and on and on

  • George W. Bush, in awe of him.  He has such a "nice" way of dealing with people.  I was very impressed by his entrance and exit.  He did not hide behind security, he was right there with the people, shaking hands and hugging those with in reach.  He talked about moving from the White House and learning how to pick up Barney Poo.  He spoke of what it really means to have honor.  How great it is to be an American and the BEST quote I can give from him... "I know that you can spend your money better than the current government!"  As silly as this sounds, I was really moved by seeing /hearing him.  I looked at my husband at one point and said, how embarrassing that I have tears rolling down my face.

  • Terry Bradwhaw was by far the most outrageous.  Did you know he has a organization called PIGS FOR JESUS????  He started by telling us he was a Christian first and foremost.  He raises pigs for the purpose of helping to feed the hungry.  He said the single most important thing we can put on each morning is a SMILE.  The next piece of advise he gave was to keep it simple!  He was a very entertaining speaker.  **On a side note - I NEVER REALIZED HOW BIG HIS HANDS WERE... :)

**** This list could go on; but these are just a few of the highlights I wanted to share**** If you ever have an opportunity to attend a Get Motivated Seminar ~~  GO - you will not regret it!