Monday, October 19, 2009

PAIN is WEAKNESS leaving the body!!!!!

Well today was D Day!!!!!  Stephanie and I started working together a day early....  OH MY WORD!!!!  I thought I would not be able to get out of car once I got home because I could already tell my muscles / body was in SHOCK!!!!  Today we did my weight, measurements, and assessment - thought that would be it for today....  WRONG!  Stephanie and I had an excellent talk, you know one of those "real" in your face what do you want from this talk?  The next thing out of her mouth was... I'm alot like Jillian from Biggest Loser (only a bit nicer).
What have I done???????

We did cardio (treadmill, bike, elliptical) and then moved on to weights (worked arms/back).  Holy cow!!!!  I will say I had a moment we will just call an AhHa moment....  She put me on this pull up machine where you have to stand on these little platforms.  You put 1/2 your weight on the limit and then step on and pull yourself up -- Without thinking those inner thoughts became outer thoughts ----"There is no way that this body is going to do that.."  Well never say that to your trainer -- the 2 that she was going to make me do --- TURNED INTO 5... But I had a moment of I did that... I really just did that!

After stretching and another great conversation, I realized I needed a Jillian - I need someone that will be in my face.  She will do this with me -- but I think has a softer side, she doesn't want me to see yet.  All in all -- I loved working with her - I feel she wants it for me as much as I want for myself.  THANK YOU JESUS!

I am home now and feel GREAT (except for the tight muscles) and can't wait to meet with her tomorrow --- I wonder if I will be this positive next week at this time.  ????  Major steps so far this week - now onto food class with nutritionist on Friday. 

Dear Lord,  I RESOLVE to trust in YOU and let YOU actually be my Lord.  I will not just SAY YOU are  Lord, but I will show YOU are Lord.  Transform me from the inside out.  Create a mind, body and soul that lives for you.  Thank you for your love and comfort, Jesus name... Amen.

Dear Friends, I ask that you pray me through this week -- I really believe if I can make 2 weeks of consistency in the gym and dinner table - I will be on my way.  I will admit - I think this is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done.  But with the help I will receive from Jesus --- I got this!!!!

Love to all, Mr. Blog === ta ta for now --