Thursday, October 22, 2009

My night with Mr. Hot!!!!

What a GREAT day.  Spent the day marketing in Corsicana.  Cause you know right now there is business on every street.  hahahahahah  Sorry, I was delusional there for a moment.  I have such a GREAT team that is it awesome being able to be out in the field and not worry about the office.  (enough about work --- we all think about that tooooooo much anyway...)

Received a call from Lolo's soccer coach that practice had been cancelled due to the rain -- YEA!  That meant I could head to the gym early today.   Stephanie and I were not scheduled to do a session today so, she ask Sheila to take me through the circuit training.  At first, I thought wooo the hooooo I got this.   WHATEVER, I don't think I realized that the circuit was nothing but strength training.  We started on machine 1 and ended on 14 - 15 reps each --- I told Todd that I didn't know I had muscles here or there.  This is where Mr. Hot comes in.  I have decided instead of thinking about how bad it hurts; I will just think of each night with Mr. Hot.

I am so excited about tomorrow; it is my first weigh in, and food talk with the nutritionist.  I am not expecting a huge loss since my diet really wasn't very different - just cut out sugars and cut back on intake.  That really is 1/2 the battle.  I am however looking forward to learning more about the way certain foods work together to help promote a faster/healthy metabolism.   Putting the diet with the workouts should  speed up loss and my health!!!  
I was happily surprised tonight when a good friend called and said - don't cook; I'm bringing dinner;  She brought everything!!!  Not only did she come to my house and cook us dinner, she substituted flour tortillas to corn and fat-free cheese.  Everything was within reason and delicious.  **Except she forgot the blue bell.  :)  It is so nice to have friends who are willing to go through this journey with me!

Well my dear friends... I can't WAIT to blog tomorrow night.  Again - I thank you for taking the time to read my rambles... I am so happy to have an outlet for all my "thoughts" and "words".  As I'm sure you are learning -- I have many.

So Mr. Blog, tata for now!  Until tomorrow...