Have you ever wondered what God sees when he looks at you. Wouldn't it be nice to every day have the same faith in ourselves that God has in us? I had this rewarding opportunity today. To look in the mirror and have that faith that says... YOU CAN DO THIS. I was faced with a "challenge" today... The puppet outreach team has worked so hard for the last month to bring together a black light show for our fall festival. My role, was to work the sound. That is it, no other responsibility this year!!!! Our Outreach Director, Lisa, was diagnosed with the SWINE FLU on Friday. UH OH! Lisa is an amazing story teller and has a way of spreading the word of God in a powerful, direct and loving way. She was responsible for bringing the scripture reading and narration of the story. When I learned I would be taking her place, my immediate thought was WHATEVER!!!! I'm sick and voice is already coming and going. There is NO way! I can't do this. Then I remembered, I have been praying for God to use me. Put me in a position where I can show my love for Jesus. What better way than to be in front of over 100 people on HALLOWEEN, not talking about ghost and goblins, but JESUS. I came home from practice and prayed on Friday night, Lord take my words out and replace them with yours. So, when I got up this morning, I had a renewed spirit and heart. I saw a LION in the mirror and not the scared little cat. I am in no way bragging! I am NO fool, I know that it was ONLY the grace of God that carried me through tonight. My heart was beating out of my head at one point. I mean if I said the wrong word and didn't give the team the right cue, the entire show could have gone south. I never knew that the story of Noah's Ark was so detailed until tonight.
Whew!!!! Isn't it amazing that when we ask God to use us, he does. How much more amazing is it when He gives us His power to accomplished it for his Glory. Last night, I went to bed a scared cat and got up a LION. All things are possible through Christ! I love being able to not only ask for His help, but feel His help, power and most important LOVE! Man, God is so GOOD!
I was very faithful with 2/3's of my journey.
- Diet: (a+)
- Offered free Frito pies (my favorite), nachos, candy, and much more, I had a glass of water. YEA me!!!! Logan has a ton of candy and it is sitting in front of me right now. The good news, I do not want it! I look at it and see Stephanie saying, you eat it that is 20 more minutes of non-stop torture. With that said, there will be no candy for me this year.
- Walk w/ Jesus (a)
- Listening to his call and moving forward in service.
- Exercise (d)
- MMMM -- not much today!
On a side note, I talked to my step-son, Randy, last night and it looks like our little Aydin Grace will be here anytime. I can not wait to meet this beautiful little addition to our family. It will be one of the happiest days in my life. Her daddy is already wrapped around her little finger and she isn't even here yet. It is going to be so cool to watch him with her. Risa will as well make a good mom. What a sweet family they are creating. I'm so proud of the man he has become. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this family, but I thank God everyday. If you guys are reading this -- love you both very much!
All in all I think it was an amazing day. I am so eager to get back in the gym on Monday. I hope that this cold will be gone and I can give 100% and have a great workout before my weigh in on Tuesday. I've had comments from others about how silly it is to write a blog about this, know what I would say to them face to face. I would say... "Thank you for your input, however, there are ONLY 2 opinions that matter to me, that would be God's and mine." I will never be able to thank those of you who are playing a part in holding me accountable and showing your support and love towards my journey.
Jesus is my ROCK, My journey to becoming a ROCK star has everything to do with becoming a STAR for him. Part of that journey is becoming healthy so that I can continue to serve HIM and others.
I believe that TRUE joy comes from:
J Jesus
O Others
Y Yourself
Jesus first, yourself last and others in between!
Tata for now Mr. Blog - until tomorrow...