Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saving Sunday... Anyday in the house of the LORD is a good day!!!

As I sat down tonight to write my blog, there were several things that came to mind.  The first thought is the one I will run with tonight.  I have a very dear friend who is in the process of finding a church home.  So what does one really look for when looking for that church home?    I remember when Todd and I were looking for a new church home.  It can be a hard, trying time.  It also takes a great deal of prayer and persistence.  Other times, it just happens - you walk in and just know!

I believe that many people will ask the question what denominations do I want to visit.    

Definition: A religious organization uniting local congregations in a single, legal and administrative body.

I hate that so many people get caught up in the denomination.  There are many denominations, but one body of Christ.  To me it is more about what I believe and how does that line up with the church.  It is very important to understand the beliefs of the Church before joining.  Before joining any church you should ensure that there is a true teaching from God's Holy Word. 
While watching the football game with friends today the subject of church came up and what is the best way to determine what church is best for you.  Is it OK to trade off one thing for another?  This really had me thinking.  If the children's church is very important to you and you find the church where the children's church is what you wanted, but the preaching of the word was not preached from the pulpit - do you trade the preaching for the children's program.  When is it ok to make a trade?  If you find the preaching of the word, children's program is awesome, but the body is not inviting and you do not feel love -- do you trade one for the other?  Where do you draw the line?  I mean I really started thinking about this tonight.  Is it possible to worship the church and lose sight of Jesus?   

Would creating a checklist help?  Before visiting, make a check list of the most important characteristics about the church you hope to find.   Once you have visited a few times, you can ask yourself based on the checklist questions.  Did I learn about the bible?  Was it a place where fellowship and community are encouraged?  Are people's lives being changed?  Is there a place for me to serve in the church?  Can I connect with God and worship him freely?

As far as choosing the church for our family; Todd and I were interested in the bible being preached and hearing the name of Jesus.  I do not believe you can worship God and NOT worship the Holy Spirit and Jesus.  It isn't one for the other!!!  I am in no way saying that we should settle for a church because there is no perfect church.  I am saying that sometimes in every church there will be something that this one or that one doesn't agree with.  I really am writing to clear my thoughts...  I know how important it is to find a church home; I have to remind myself as well -- there is NO perfect church; however, there can be a perfect church for you.   

I pray for this special family - I pray that God will direct them to the church He wants them to be a part of.  I pray that if the few churches they have visited is not the church for them, that He place someone in their life with an invitation.  I pray that God will lead them to the church that will touch each one of them from the inside out. I pray that there will be a peace in the decision.   Jesus name, Amen

Until Wednesday...