Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's really a new year!!!!

Just sitting here thinking of Monday -- I will be back in the office after a very "lax" few weeks.  Ready for the changes that are heading our way!  There will be new goals for the upcoming year.    With Monday fast approaching, I think of the new dedication to being in the gym EACH day.  During the holidays we missed several days due to schedule conflicts or to be honest -- just putting other things in front of that part of our life.  THAT WILL BE CHANGED!!!  Will make every effort to be in the gym on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.   I am still a little worried about my schedule at work and how I am going to fit in my set appointment with Stephanie on Tues / Thurs.   I am still praying that a way will be provided so that I do not have to change this.   

I have made a decision about my nutritionist.  Due to the cost and the conflict of information -- I will no longer be seeing her.  My original plan was to stick with both the trainer and nutritionist until April.  To be honest, I just do not feel the plan she had me on was working and since I've change my calories and plan to match what Stephanie set before me --- I'm losing again and  feel so much better!  

I have already used the above picture ~ but LOVE it and thought I would once again say -- I'm FINALLY making my life my master piece -- so that I can go about the Master's business!!!!  2010 is going to be my year... I can not wait to to look back on this journey and see how far I've come!  Watch out world!!!!!!

On a side note -- spent the day with my beautiful new grand daughter, can't close without sharing a few pictures of how much she has grown...

Until tomorrow...