Sunday, January 24, 2010

Formal Introduction ...

I didn't want another day to go by and miss an opportunity to tell you about the most important influential person in my life... If you do not know the man name JESUS -- now is the time! Please allow me to introduce not just my savior, but my LORD!  If you really know the man I call Lord, then you will understand my passion and love for him.  He has had many names throughout the years.

Think about all of the names you have heard over the years that describe who Jesus is... How would you introduce Jesus?  Do you have a close enough relationship with him to be able to really introduce him to others?  I would like to share a video with you.  It is probably one of the most dramatic, powerful introduction I have ever heard.  You have probably seen it before, but it is worth sharing again.   Can you say that you feel this passionate about the man named Jesus. 

Steve Harvey's introduction Clip
(click here to watch clip)

I do not know the heart of Steve Harvey.  I am not here to say if he is a Christian or not.  I will say that I get so excited each time I listen to this video.  I do know that his introduction was very well deserved.  Even with all of the passion and heart that was put forth during this introduction, I wonder how many people really listen to his words about this man he was introducing? 

I have so many people in my life that I know are missing the joy that I feel.  I just wish I had the magic words for you - I wish I could just introduce this amazing Savior and you would just get it.  The sad thing is -- I can't!  You have to be ready to accept what Jesus has to offer.  I will say that what Jesus has for us is so much greater than anything else in the world.  You will never be able to understand the true meaning of love nor joy, until you accept Jesus as your Savior, and allow him to be your Lord!   If you ever have questions, about how to find this joy, please allow me the opportunity to talk with you about how to find true peace!

Until Wednesday...


LaVon Baker said...

Thanks for sharing your heart, Stacie. I just keep praying that those I know, who don't know Jesus, will soon understand their desparate need to be redeemed.