Friday, January 8, 2010

The countdown is on...

It has been a typical home from work sick day.  :)  I took advantage of the day and decided to read again the chapters in Crazy Love for our bible study tomorrow.   I can't wait - we have 16 people confirmed.  I know that there will be some confirmed that might not show up, but I know God is going to give us a great group tomorrow.  I can not wait to dig into this book with everyone.  These chapters are so powerful and really talk to you no matter what your current circumstance in life.  

I am finding the journey I'm on to be one of great challenge and love.  I'm learning each day something different about myself or those in my life.  I ONLY have 5 days left in this first 90 day journey.  I have kept with most of my goals/challenges.   The major goal was to lose 40 pounds -- I refuse to look at my weight until Tuesday.  I will say I am close but not to 40 yet!!!  I am a little concerned with being sick this week and not being in the gym since Tuesday.  Healthy eating has stayed on target, but exercise is such an important part of this journey. 

I will end with this --- exercise and diet is important ~~~ however my walk with my Savior is the key to the success of my journey. 

Until tomorrow...


LaVon Baker said...

Praying God's immense blessings and presence with your group on Saturday!