Friday, January 22, 2010

Freaky Friday...

Friday is my day to catch up with everyone on the weekly events -- I would like to say, this has been a GREAT week. Highlight of the week, I hit my 40 pounds this week. I was so excited! It feels so good to be able to say, guess what? I lost 40 pounds - wooooo the hooooo.

In a previous post I talked about the possible changes that were coming to my office. This week we learned that changes will be taking place within the next 6 weeks. I am still unable to go into detail but I do see a light in the tunnel and I'm so very eager to get through these next few weeks and start fresh! I am a firm believe that change is good. I can NOT wait to see where our company is this time next year. I ONLY see a bright future for the Athens branch. Stay tuned...

A new experience for this week.... I tried a new class tonight at the gym... ZUMBA!!!!!! To be honest, I am still so surprised that I let my guard down and did it.... I know some are saying, What is a Zumba? I ask the same question. I had no clue what I was getting myself into. So after I talked myself into it, off we go.

I googled, ZUMBA and found the following definition: The 60-minute program incorporates footwork and body movements from flamenco, salsa and other dances. Participants pump their legs, windmill their arms, clap their hands, dip, slide and spin — all to a frenzied beat that leaves them with flushed cheeks and dripping in sweat.

After my class tonight -- I can say - that describes it very well. :) I LOVED IT. However,, I will not be able to attend each week as the classes start at 4:30 and I will not be home from work in time. I was ONLY off today because I had an eye doctor's appt.

Tomorrow will be another great day. Logan has a testing appointment in the morning at 8:00 at the school for the gifted program. Then a friend is having a pamper chef party at 10 and then an afternoon of no plans and family time. I CAN NOT WAIT!

Sunday will again be a great day in the house of the Lord. There is just something about being in the house of the Lord!

Before I close, please continue to pray for the nation of Haiti. Americans could learn from the faith and love that some in this nation show for God. To see these brave men and women being pulled from the damage raising their hands and shouting praises to the ONE and ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!!

Until Sunday...