Sunday, February 14, 2010

We r finally....

What a weekend. We are finally back home after a few days wihout electricity. Despite the issue of not being in our home, the weekend was great. Todd and I had a mess to clean when we got home and lost most of the groceries we had in the fridge - but praise God for the fun we had playing in our Winter Wonderland.

I will post a full update sometime tomorroow.

Until then...

Friday, February 12, 2010

A White Valentine

I have so many pictures I want to share from our winter wonderland; however, we are still without electricity (going on 27 hours) so I am blogging from my phone. I will share with you as soon as we are back home and able to get online.

Stay warm and have a very happy Valentines Weekend!!!!!!

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wacky Wednesday

Short post tonight. Started my training sessions with Stephanie again last night and was very sore today. It feels great! How crazy is that.

Things at work are still in fast forward mode and it is time to jump in or jump ship--- I am aboard and ready for the weeks to come. I can't wait until I can share all of my news with you.

Until tomorrow.....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saving Sunday...

Today was an amazing day in the Lord.  We were surprised by a visit from Billy & Junella -- two  very special people in my life -- Billy was our associate pastor and was called to his own church in West Texas.  His wife worked with the Young Ladies Ministry and become a mentor/friend and very special lady in my life.  It was so hard when they said goodbye.  So many mixed emotions -- Excited for knowing how God is working in their lives but so sad to know the void that would be placed in Liberty.   It was great to see them.  They left, I believe in Oct and being with them today was just awesome.  The message this morning was given by Bro. Dennis and very much what I needed to hear.  Sometimes we are afraid to let go and let God for fear of what others might say.  At the end of service he ask us how many were holding back in our worship or service because of a fear of how others would respond.  Great service.  Tonight we were blessed by Bro. Billy bringing forth a message on PATIENCE... What a nasty word -- :)   I think my favorite verse he pointed out was....

I also realized that this verse does NOT say ... count it all joy IF you fall into various trials...  IT SAYS WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This one verse alone tells me that I will have trials and storms in my life.    Great sermon and awesome to hear Bro. Billy behind the pulpit at LBC once again.  Just another showing of how God is using him in a mighty way.  I could go on and on about the glory that was shown today...

Tomorrow is a HUGE day as it is the START of a new mindset for our Athens office -- I ask that you continue to pray for this part of my life-- I assure you details to follow as SOON as I am at liberty to share!  Another important event comes tomorrow - a new dedication to the gym -- with everything going on with my schedule, I have fallen into old habits of going when I can -- tomorrow is the start of GOING each day (except church days)  so ... it is almost like starting over.  Stephanie has worked her schedule so that I can start training with her again on Tues and Thurs.  She is totally awesome and I'm blessed to be someone she has chosen to work with.  I have to get back on track. 

One last comment for the day -  If I had one wish for you -- it would be that you could feel the same PEACE and JOY that I have.  There is ONLY one way to achieve this -- and it is by the name of JESUS! 

Until tomorrow...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Taking a Breath...

As promised...

Last week was a whirlwind and I couldn't wait to start my girls weekend with Misti and Kathy.  We planned to leave around 6; however, my office had other plans and it was around 6 when I left Athens.  I finally made it to Kaufman and we were eating dinner around 8:30.  We had a great dinner and the best waiter named Carlos.  When in Rome was the movie of choice and very good.  In fact - a good chic flick for us chicks.  I believe we finally made it to our hotel around midnight.  From there it was laughter, giggles, conversation and finally around 5 AM good night.  It just It still blows my mind that I can sit with these 2 girls for hours and still find things to talk about.   It has been such a blessing to reconnect with them as the past has come full circle and the entire friends forever that we use to write on everything - is 100% the TRUTH.  I will never allow these two out of my life again.    As early birds, we were up and we were out of the hotel by 10.  A wonderful breakfast at Original House of Pancakes and then on to bowling...  We played 2 games in which Mistie won one and I won the other --- What happened Kathy?????  The rest of the day was spent at the mall.  It was the perfect evening/day.

Sunday was spent in the house of the Lord and in the office for just a few hours getting ready for a big meeting on Monday.  It was such a relaxing and great time - I think I even forgot about all the changes and chaos that is going on right now in my professional life.  Once back to the office on Monday I was reminded.  On Monday my new Regional Manager and my Area was in the office for a day of reports, discussion and everything in between.  WHEW --- I have never been so glad for a day to be over in my entire life!!!!!!!!!  I'm not sure if it was an interrogation or a job interview or a ??????????  Let's just say --- I am so on top of the world that it is over!  However, with the meeting being over - more chaos follows as the next 90 days will be rocky and exciting.  (details to follow soon -- promise)

I have been so frustrated with not getting to work with Stephanie due to my schedule and can tell that I'm not pushing myself the way I need to push -- she is AWESOME and starting next week has offered to stay after boot camp nights to train with me --- she is the greatest!!!!  It will be great to get back into the routine of working with her again -- it isn't the same being in the gym and not having that extra push!   I AM TELLING YOU ... COMPLETE FITNESS IS THE PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday is the BEST day of the week --- Today was the day where you put away the week and become excited about the weekend.  Mom and I took Lolo to see The Tooth Fairy tonight -- cute cute movie- NOT ONE CUSS WORD!!!!  It was very family oriented, and you don't see that often.

Busy weekend full of birthday parties, friends and my baby girl, Aydin Grace--- Looking so forward to the weekend!!!!

I plan to also get back on track with blogging!!!! 

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I left my laptop @ wk. (no blog tonight).

I left my laptop at wk. Sorry no update tonight. Just jumped on from phone to say Everything is in fast forward. Will catch up with blog before weekend.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

What a weekend! Promise to catch you up Wednesday!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Girls fun. Will blog tomorrow. Out of town

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

circle of girls...

Happy Wednesday...  Just a quick update and then I want to share an email with you that a very special lady, Lavon, sent to me.  It is the best email I've received in a very long time....  so so true!!!

Quick Update:  Diet is going well - workout has taken a tumble.  Due to work responsibilities, I've had to cancel my Tues and Thur night sessions with Stephanie.  Those who are close to me know this is a disaster as she is my rock and I do so much better with her!!!  I have been in the gym; but it isn't the same.  Stephanie and I are going to get together and see if we can arrange our schedules so that I don't lose this time with her.  Whatever the outcome - I will NOT stop this journey and will continue to be in the gym - just will not be seeing the same success (I know that!!!!)  ~~~Pray for this schedule conflict -- I NEED to be in the gym with Steph!!!

Other than the above news, it has been a quiet week so far -- we were unable to go to church tonight as my little guy was sick and running fever.  We are hoping TLC and a little medicine is going to do the trick and he will be all better in the morning.   I hate missing mid-week service!  It was nice to cuddle with Lolo and just be home!  

**Another very exciting event this week -- I FINALLY gave in and bought an iphone!!!  Yea me -- This involved talking Todd into changing service from Verizon to AT&T.  THANK YOU TODD!  :)

I will close with the email mentioned above. Great email -- I have so many awesome girls in my circle and I love you all!!!


When I was little,

I used to believe in the concept of one best friend,

And then I started to become a woman.

And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up,

God would show you the best in many friends.

One friend is needed when you're going through things with your man.

Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your mom.

Another will sit beside you in the bleachers as you delight in your children and their activities.

Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be..

One friend will say, 'Let's cry together,'

Another , 'Let's fight together,'

Another , 'Let's walk away together.'

One friend will meet your spiritual need,

Another your shoe fetish,

Another your love for movies,

Another will be with you in your season of confusion,

Another will be your clarifier,

Another the wind beneath your wings.

But whatever their assignment in your life,

On whatever the occasion,

On whatever the day,

Or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair pulled back,

Or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself .

Those are your best friends.

It may all be wrapped up in one woman, But for many, it's wrapped up in several..

One from 7th grade,

One from high school,

Several from the college years,

A couple from old jobs,

On some days your mother,

On some days your neighbor,

On others, your sisters,

And on some days, your daughters.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Formal Introduction ...

I didn't want another day to go by and miss an opportunity to tell you about the most important influential person in my life... If you do not know the man name JESUS -- now is the time! Please allow me to introduce not just my savior, but my LORD!  If you really know the man I call Lord, then you will understand my passion and love for him.  He has had many names throughout the years.

Think about all of the names you have heard over the years that describe who Jesus is... How would you introduce Jesus?  Do you have a close enough relationship with him to be able to really introduce him to others?  I would like to share a video with you.  It is probably one of the most dramatic, powerful introduction I have ever heard.  You have probably seen it before, but it is worth sharing again.   Can you say that you feel this passionate about the man named Jesus. 

Steve Harvey's introduction Clip
(click here to watch clip)

I do not know the heart of Steve Harvey.  I am not here to say if he is a Christian or not.  I will say that I get so excited each time I listen to this video.  I do know that his introduction was very well deserved.  Even with all of the passion and heart that was put forth during this introduction, I wonder how many people really listen to his words about this man he was introducing? 

I have so many people in my life that I know are missing the joy that I feel.  I just wish I had the magic words for you - I wish I could just introduce this amazing Savior and you would just get it.  The sad thing is -- I can't!  You have to be ready to accept what Jesus has to offer.  I will say that what Jesus has for us is so much greater than anything else in the world.  You will never be able to understand the true meaning of love nor joy, until you accept Jesus as your Savior, and allow him to be your Lord!   If you ever have questions, about how to find this joy, please allow me the opportunity to talk with you about how to find true peace!

Until Wednesday...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Freaky Friday...

Friday is my day to catch up with everyone on the weekly events -- I would like to say, this has been a GREAT week. Highlight of the week, I hit my 40 pounds this week. I was so excited! It feels so good to be able to say, guess what? I lost 40 pounds - wooooo the hooooo.

In a previous post I talked about the possible changes that were coming to my office. This week we learned that changes will be taking place within the next 6 weeks. I am still unable to go into detail but I do see a light in the tunnel and I'm so very eager to get through these next few weeks and start fresh! I am a firm believe that change is good. I can NOT wait to see where our company is this time next year. I ONLY see a bright future for the Athens branch. Stay tuned...

A new experience for this week.... I tried a new class tonight at the gym... ZUMBA!!!!!! To be honest, I am still so surprised that I let my guard down and did it.... I know some are saying, What is a Zumba? I ask the same question. I had no clue what I was getting myself into. So after I talked myself into it, off we go.

I googled, ZUMBA and found the following definition: The 60-minute program incorporates footwork and body movements from flamenco, salsa and other dances. Participants pump their legs, windmill their arms, clap their hands, dip, slide and spin — all to a frenzied beat that leaves them with flushed cheeks and dripping in sweat.

After my class tonight -- I can say - that describes it very well. :) I LOVED IT. However,, I will not be able to attend each week as the classes start at 4:30 and I will not be home from work in time. I was ONLY off today because I had an eye doctor's appt.

Tomorrow will be another great day. Logan has a testing appointment in the morning at 8:00 at the school for the gifted program. Then a friend is having a pamper chef party at 10 and then an afternoon of no plans and family time. I CAN NOT WAIT!

Sunday will again be a great day in the house of the Lord. There is just something about being in the house of the Lord!

Before I close, please continue to pray for the nation of Haiti. Americans could learn from the faith and love that some in this nation show for God. To see these brave men and women being pulled from the damage raising their hands and shouting praises to the ONE and ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!!

Until Sunday...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have decided to dedicate tonight's blog to the Relay for Life -- see below...

My Reason to Relay

Together, Logan, and I will walk this year especially for my grandfather, P.B. Wilson, who is currently in the fight of his life against bladder cancer.

I also walk in memory of my uncles, Jessie Stout and Gene Stout; my beautiful aunt, Cheryl Martin; and my wonderful brother-in-law, Keith Bostic; all of who loss their battle with Cancer.   A very special friend named Roger St. John who just this last year lost his fight.

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is more than just an event to me. It is my personal opportunity to help save lives from cancer by supporting the American Cancer Society.
It's amazing to think that millions of people will be diagnosed with cancer this year. Somebody close to us may be one of them.
But, by taking part in Relay, I am helping the American Cancer Society save lives by:
  • Helping people stay well by helping them take steps to prevent cancer or detect it early, when it’s most treatable
  • Helping people get well by being in their corner around the clock to guide them through every step of their cancer experience
  • Finding cures by funding groundbreaking research that helps us understand cancer’s causes, determine how best to prevent it and discover new ways to cure it
  • Fighting back by working with lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and rally communities worldwide to join the fight
Please support my efforts by making a donation please go to my site @


Please join me in my fight against cancer!
Let's fight this together --- donate!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 percent of goal achieved.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In support of all families affected by cancer

[Stop] [Start]

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saving Sunday... Anyday in the house of the LORD is a good day!!!

As I sat down tonight to write my blog, there were several things that came to mind.  The first thought is the one I will run with tonight.  I have a very dear friend who is in the process of finding a church home.  So what does one really look for when looking for that church home?    I remember when Todd and I were looking for a new church home.  It can be a hard, trying time.  It also takes a great deal of prayer and persistence.  Other times, it just happens - you walk in and just know!

I believe that many people will ask the question what denominations do I want to visit.    

Definition: A religious organization uniting local congregations in a single, legal and administrative body.

I hate that so many people get caught up in the denomination.  There are many denominations, but one body of Christ.  To me it is more about what I believe and how does that line up with the church.  It is very important to understand the beliefs of the Church before joining.  Before joining any church you should ensure that there is a true teaching from God's Holy Word. 
While watching the football game with friends today the subject of church came up and what is the best way to determine what church is best for you.  Is it OK to trade off one thing for another?  This really had me thinking.  If the children's church is very important to you and you find the church where the children's church is what you wanted, but the preaching of the word was not preached from the pulpit - do you trade the preaching for the children's program.  When is it ok to make a trade?  If you find the preaching of the word, children's program is awesome, but the body is not inviting and you do not feel love -- do you trade one for the other?  Where do you draw the line?  I mean I really started thinking about this tonight.  Is it possible to worship the church and lose sight of Jesus?   

Would creating a checklist help?  Before visiting, make a check list of the most important characteristics about the church you hope to find.   Once you have visited a few times, you can ask yourself based on the checklist questions.  Did I learn about the bible?  Was it a place where fellowship and community are encouraged?  Are people's lives being changed?  Is there a place for me to serve in the church?  Can I connect with God and worship him freely?

As far as choosing the church for our family; Todd and I were interested in the bible being preached and hearing the name of Jesus.  I do not believe you can worship God and NOT worship the Holy Spirit and Jesus.  It isn't one for the other!!!  I am in no way saying that we should settle for a church because there is no perfect church.  I am saying that sometimes in every church there will be something that this one or that one doesn't agree with.  I really am writing to clear my thoughts...  I know how important it is to find a church home; I have to remind myself as well -- there is NO perfect church; however, there can be a perfect church for you.   

I pray for this special family - I pray that God will direct them to the church He wants them to be a part of.  I pray that if the few churches they have visited is not the church for them, that He place someone in their life with an invitation.  I pray that God will lead them to the church that will touch each one of them from the inside out. I pray that there will be a peace in the decision.   Jesus name, Amen

Until Wednesday...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Freaky Friday

I will start this Freaky Friday with...  I am so excited that we are at the weekend!!!

I was in the gym everyday this week except for Wednesday -- too hard with church; however, we did do Barry's bootcamp once we got home.  I am so glad that Todd bought this for me -- what a great Christmas present... Makes the days I can't get into the gym so much better.  

We will also head to the gym first thing in the morning.  As of this evenings weight, I am down just a little over 2 pounds.  I'm a little concerned as I really worked hard in the gym this week and felt I was on target with my calories, so I was hoping for more.  With that said, I'm still down -- seeing a lower number is always reason to praise!!!

There are many changes going on within my "work life" right now.   Huge meetings taken place next week to determine the future of our company.   Many exciting changes heading our way.  I welcome change but the unknown of what all they will be, can be a little scary.  Whatever they may be, I'm ready!

I really do not have a lot to report for this Freaky Friday. 

So, until Sunday...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wacky Wednesday

Welcome to the next 90 days.  Today is the first post of the new challenge...  I don't have a lot to say today other than -- I was right the workout last night was more intense and I sure  knew it this morning.  Just additional pain leaving my body!!!

Church was great, as usual -- however very sad news from our missionary families in Haiti. What we know so far... One of our churches was destroyed, as well as the pastor's home and he is unaccounted for at this time. Communication with Francious, who is the leader of the missionary efforts in Haiti, has not been made as of yet. We believe he is okay but it sure would be nice for someone to hear from him.  Three of Francious children are in my Sunday School class, and my heart just goes out to each of them.  They are all enrolled in college here in the US.  When they graduate, they will all go back into Haiti and help their father carry on the work of our Lord.  We do know that Francious's sister and her grand baby were killed during the quake. The devastation is far worst than we are seeing on TV. This will not just effect where the quake took place, as this is the center of all activity in Haiti. The entire nation is in danger!  All supplies, food and money comes through this town. PRAY PLEASE PRAY!!!

This country is such a poor area with a great deal of evil.  However, there are many people in Haiti who have learned the name of Jesus and are true to their faith --- God is in control. It brings me to tears to know that during this tragic event, many people in Haiti were standing in the streets and praising God!  So many of us could take notice and learn from their faith.

Your prayers are so appreciated, this is so close to my heart!!!!  If you had an opportunity to talk with just one of these amazing people -- you would feel the love of Jesus!!  Thank you!

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My first 90 day challenge - - - I DID IT!!!!

So... today was the 90th day...  I am sitting here with so many emotions running through my mind.  Some positive and very few negative... I have so many things I want to write about tonight so, forgive me if I'm random and all over the place.  (I have been told that I tend to be random, at times)

First I will start with the goals!!!

I am very sad to report that my weight and measurement goals were not met; but I'm totally accepting and excited at what success I did have.

  • Weight - wanted to lose 40 pounds in 90 days

    • Lost 36.5

  • Measurements - wanted to lose 26 in 90 days

    • Lost 24

  • Walk w/ Christ

    • I have never in my life felt this much PASSION and LOVE for my God

    • Ready to take on the Girl Power (possible name change) ministry with all of the zeal I have

    • Ready to serve my God in whatever ministry I am called

  • Blog

    • I met this challenge head on -- missed the midnight deadline a few times due to this or that -- but 90 post were made and was done before going to bed each night. (Thank you so very much to those of you who sent motivation my way - I love you more than you know)

 Top 15 things I've learned about myself and life (in no particular order)

  1. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.  Phil 4:13  (I am stronger than I gave myself credit)

  2. I learned that diets do not work...but a detailed plan, commitment and exercise will

  3. I learned it is OK to take time for yourself --- In fact -- it is smart - I have to be a priority

  4. I have a true calling for Christ

  5. I have found that true friends are few and far between

  6. I am a very determined person

  7. I can jog, jump and skip rope - (and after tonight -- I can do the spin bike)

  8. I have a trainer for LIFE, as long as she will have me  :)

  9. Eating breakfast and snacks are NECESSARY to be successful in weight loss

  10. I don't just believe in GOD -- I believe GOD

  11. I learned my family and friends are the greatest support outside of my Rock, Jesus Christ

  12. I will make it to my goal of a healthy lifestyle

  13. I have learned that others can NOT define who I am

  14. I actually enjoy being in the gym, well some times :)

  15. I learned that when I totally surrender, I can start my life fresh

So where do I go from here?  I am so glad that you ask.  I will commit to 90 more days on this amazing journey.  I have  decided to be a little more realistic with some of my goals.  :)

Goals for the next 90 days...

  • I will blog at least 3 days a week.

    • Saving Sundays - will be about my walk with Christ and anything I might be lead to write about.

    • Wacky Wednesday - Mid week report on the journey /week

    • Freaky Friday - Recap of week and status of journey

    • There could be additional post... stay tuned

  • Measurements

    • I would like to lose 10 additional inches

  • Weight

    • I would like to lose 25 additional pounds

  • I will make additional commitments after this next 90 days

I am really finding it hard to put into words how the last 90 days have changed me -- I started this blog on a whim and suggestion from a good friend.  I never dreamed it would have as much affect on me as it has.  The accountability, and outlet it has provided has been amazing.  There is something to be said for the written word.  I think my favorite part has been sharing my love for Christ with you. 

I hope you will jump in and share the next 90 days with me. 

Until tomorrow...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tomorrow is the DAY....

I do not have a lot to say tonight --- the gym was uneventful other than the sore body.  :)  Tomorrow is the 90th day and I for one can not WAIT.  I will blog the minute I come in from the gym (or shortly after)  I hope to have a total number of inches loss as well as the total amount of pounds.  

I will also have a game plan for the next 90 days!  Still working towards a game plan for this next step!!!

Thank you again for all the prayers... 

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Becoming me in the process of my JOURNEY!!!

I still can't believe that a heart, soul and life can change as much as mine has in just 90 days.  Sure, I've always been Stacie but... I don't' think I've really searched within myself and found true JOY like I have in the last 90 days.  It all started with finally making my mind up to become healthy for my family and myself.  It has turned out to be so much more.  With only 2 blogs remaining after tonight's, I sit here and think wow -- what an amazing 90 days.  (Thanks Tonya for the idea to blog)

Over the last few years, I have really tried to examine my life not just as Stacie, but as a daughter of the KING.  It seems that once that became the focal point of who I wanted to be -- everything else just seemed to start clicking.   The big question now is... who does Stacie want to be?  I would like to say a size 6 with buns of steel.  :)  But is that really the truth if I'm being honest.  I don't' know if it is or not!!!  I really have thought about that question in great detail today after our church messages this morning/evening.  At this moment, I can say - I want to be a light in this world of darkness.  I want to have good health and energy to carry on the Masters business.  (looking good in a pair of jeans will be an added bonus)  My passion is JESUS!  I want to share what I have with everyone.  This joy I feel isn't suppose to be grounded ONLY within my heart - I am born to share it.   I want other ladies to see me and think - - what an example of Christianity.  That is someone that I can turn to and trust in my everyday circumstances as well as major life struggles.  I really feel that God has laid upon my heart women.  Not just ladies within my church but ladies in general.  Starting the bible study "Girl Power" is just the beginning!  This is my ministry...  I have without a doubt been called to play a part in the discipleship and equipping of the ladies across my community.  Who knows at this point what that means???  God does.  I pray that I will turn a deaf ear to the world when I'm told you can't do that.  I just pray that I keep in the word, aware of His voice, and strong with the trials come.  

I'm also at the cross road of what is next -- I committed to 90 days of personal training, healthy eating and 40 pounds.  What's next???  I know that Stephanie is not a 90 day someone in my life -- I will train with her until and after I reach my goal weight.  Some people come into your life for a season... Some would say a trainer would be for a season.  I feel a connection with her and I see Stephanie as a part of my life long past I've reached my goal.  With that said --- I WILL REACH MY GOAL WEIGHT.  I am really searching as to what the next 90 days will include.  I know that this blog has been such an outlet for me and something that I actually look forward to writing.  The next 90 days will be another milestone in my journey. 

Yes, I am a Jesus freak
 and I can't imagine a great compliment. 

I will close with again saying - - - If you do not know this joy (peace) I speak of, please allow me to introduce to you my savior, Jesus Christ.  Others will forsake you, but Jesus will never.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  

Until tomorrow...