Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saving Sunday...

Today was an amazing day in the Lord.  We were surprised by a visit from Billy & Junella -- two  very special people in my life -- Billy was our associate pastor and was called to his own church in West Texas.  His wife worked with the Young Ladies Ministry and become a mentor/friend and very special lady in my life.  It was so hard when they said goodbye.  So many mixed emotions -- Excited for knowing how God is working in their lives but so sad to know the void that would be placed in Liberty.   It was great to see them.  They left, I believe in Oct and being with them today was just awesome.  The message this morning was given by Bro. Dennis and very much what I needed to hear.  Sometimes we are afraid to let go and let God for fear of what others might say.  At the end of service he ask us how many were holding back in our worship or service because of a fear of how others would respond.  Great service.  Tonight we were blessed by Bro. Billy bringing forth a message on PATIENCE... What a nasty word -- :)   I think my favorite verse he pointed out was....

I also realized that this verse does NOT say ... count it all joy IF you fall into various trials...  IT SAYS WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This one verse alone tells me that I will have trials and storms in my life.    Great sermon and awesome to hear Bro. Billy behind the pulpit at LBC once again.  Just another showing of how God is using him in a mighty way.  I could go on and on about the glory that was shown today...

Tomorrow is a HUGE day as it is the START of a new mindset for our Athens office -- I ask that you continue to pray for this part of my life-- I assure you details to follow as SOON as I am at liberty to share!  Another important event comes tomorrow - a new dedication to the gym -- with everything going on with my schedule, I have fallen into old habits of going when I can -- tomorrow is the start of GOING each day (except church days)  so ... it is almost like starting over.  Stephanie has worked her schedule so that I can start training with her again on Tues and Thurs.  She is totally awesome and I'm blessed to be someone she has chosen to work with.  I have to get back on track. 

One last comment for the day -  If I had one wish for you -- it would be that you could feel the same PEACE and JOY that I have.  There is ONLY one way to achieve this -- and it is by the name of JESUS! 

Until tomorrow...